In addition to this, please check Alex’s channel first to make sure he hasn’t made a video on the game or piece of hardware you’re requesting help for in order to minimize clutter. If you're asking about a game, also include your current performance and what tweaks you've applied (if any).

Character Quality and Environment Quality can both be set to ‘Medium’.So, don’t try and run 2k (2560×1440) if your screen is build for 1080p. Set your resolution to your native resolution.

You can also make the following changes from within the in-game options panel under the ‘Video’ tab: Under the ‘Game’ tab in settings, click the tickbox for ‘Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode’ if you have a particularly old pc.The ‘Enable HUD Animations’ tickbox is found under the ‘Interface’ tab. Uncheck the ‘Enable HUD Animations’ from within the client settings.If you enable the ‘Low Spec Mode’ it will reduce visual fidelity in certain areas of the client but may significantly improve performance.Low Spec Mode is found in the ‘General’ tab. Enable ‘Low Spec Mode’ in client settings (small cog in the top right of menu).If your screen has got a relatively high FPS and you want to get the most out of it then below are several ways you can increase your FPS from within League of Legends client settings: How To Boost FPS Performance In League of Legends Read on, for some quick tips to increase your FPS in League of Legends.

If you’re praying for 60fps or higher, but you have a monitor that can only reach 30FPS, then you’re out of luck.
Whilst there are several things you can do to improve your FPS, do note, it’s still limited depending on your monitor or screen that you’re using. There are several factors that will limit or slow your FPS, but if you have a high FPS your game will be less choppy or laggy and ultimately, you’ll be able to react to in-game situations more quickly. FPS stands for “frames per second” and generally speaking, the higher your in-game FPS, the smoother your game will run.